Why Should I Trust Datafied?


Why Should I Trust Datafied?

Why Should I Trust Datafied?

Datafied is a company that specializes in proving a variety of document management and retrieval services. Our goal is to help customers reduce the cost and risk associated with managing the documents and data, and we are good at it! By letting us focus on data and document management, you can focus on your core business competencies and raising your bottom line.

If you are not sold on why you should use Datafied, keep reading to learn more about why you should trust Datafied with your document management and retrieval needs.

  1. We Have 31 Years of Experience
  2. Datafied has over 31 years of experience. That’s right, we’ve been in business since 1993 so we know the ins and outs of document management and retrieval. We have processed over 4.4 million records, profiled over 435,000 doctors, and have over 350 individuals on our skilled team. We know where to locate the records you need, how to improve the speed with which we retrieve them, and how to best manage your data so you can improve your operational efficiencies and maximize profits.

  3. We Are HIPAA Compliant
  4. At Datafied, we know how important security and HIPAA compliance are. All of our staff is training on HIPAA compliance and we take steps to ensure that sensitive data and documents are always protected. We have even implemented a HIPAA Security Rule, which applies to health information maintained or transmitted by a Covered Entity in electronic form. Under this rule, we provide administrative protections, physical protections, and technical protections.

  5. We Offer an Array of Specialized Services
  6. Another reason you should trust Datafied is that we always provide the best. We have specialized divisions so that you can rest assured you are always working with industry experts. Need help with coding, HCC Coders will help. Working on HEDIS chart abstractions? Chart Review Nurses will be assisting. Retiring and closing your medical practice? My Retired Doctor will be assisting with your document management. No matter what your needs, rest assured that you will be getting tailored services from industry experts.

If you need document management and retrieval services, contact Datafied today!

If you are looking to utilize the services of Datafied, you will be happy to know that we have over 31 years of services. With almost three decades of experience, there is no job too big or too small for our skilled team to handle. We have processed over 4.4 million records, assisted 435,000+ doctors, and have a vast team of professionals dedicated to serving our customers across the country. Simply put, you can trust us to get the job done! If you are ready to take advantage of the services that we offer at Datafied, give us a call today at 800-765-7510.

To learn more about the reliable and quality document management and retrieval services that we offer, visit us on the web at Datafied.

Health Insurance Services
Life Insurance Services
Legal Services
Physician Services
Patient Services
Need help? Call our team anytime at 800-765-7510
Datafied Located at
1210 N. Jefferson Street Suite P, Anaheim, CA.
Datafied Logo Phone: 800-765-7510