What is HIPAA and How Does it Affect You?


What is HIPAA and How Does it Affect You?

What is HIPAA and How Does it Affect You?

HIPAA. You’ve probably heard the acronym before, whether it was muttered by a doctor in passing or brought up at a family dinner. You might know some general aspects of HIPAA, but do you really know anything about it?

For instance, do you know what HIPAA even stands for? It stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act for those of you that do not know.  Do you know what HIPAA does? Do you know that HIPAA does more than just set some measures of privacy?

If you can’t answer these questions, or aren’t actually sure what HIPAA does, that’s okay! You are not alone. Most Americans that are not in the medical field do not even know what HIPAA stands for, let alone what the act actually does. That’s why we’re offering a brief HIPAA 101.

HIPAA Went Into Effect in 1996

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was enacted on August 21, 1996. It was enacted by Congress, and signed by the current president, Bill Clinton.

HIPAA Is Comprised of Two Titles

HIPAA has two titles. The first title guarantees health insurance coverage for workers and families when that worker loses or changes their job. Title II is the part that sets Administrative Simplification provisions.

Title II Contains the Familiar Privacy Rule

The Privacy Rule became effective in 2003. This is the rule that you are likely most familiar with. The Privacy Rule regulates the usage and disclosure of health information that is held by doctors, health care clearinghouses, health insurers and medical service providers. Person Health Information (PHI) is described as any information regarding health status, health care, or payment. It is interpreted to mean medical and billing records.

How Does the Privacy Rule Relate to You?

The Privacy Rule gives you the right to request your PHI for any reason. Entities covered under the Privacy Rule have 30 days to release this information to you. This Privacy Rule also requires covered entities to take necessary steps to ensure confidentiality of PHI, as well as communications that take place between, entity, and patient.  

What Does Datafied have to do With HIPAA?

Datafied is 100% HIPAA compliant. All of our divisions train their employees to ensure that they understand the standards laid out by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and that they take the necessary steps to remain HIPAA compliant. That means OrderMedicalRecords.com will protect the PHI that you request, and MyRetiredDoctor.com will make sure to shred old medical records in compliance with HIPAA codes. We take the security of your PHI very seriously.

Learn More About Datafied

If you want to learn more about the services that Datafied offers, or how we strive to remain completely HIPAA compliant, feel free to contact us. You can email us at info@datafied.com or call 800-765-7510 with any questions that you may have.

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