Medical Records Storage in Oakland CA

Medical Records Storage in Oakland CA

Medical Records Storage in Oakland CA

Trust Datafied for secure, HIPAA-compliant medical records storage in Oakland CA

When medical records were just pieces of paper, storage was a simple as just locking the office door. But with the advent of electronic medical records, things suddenly got more complicated. Fortunately, Datafied is here to provide the secure medical records storage in Oakland CA you need, plus a whole lot more.

Why Choose Datafied’s Storage Solution

  • It’s More than Just Storage: At Datafied, we do more than simply provide a secure server to host your electronic medical records. Our medical records storage in Oakland CA is actually part of a cloud-based environment where you can also complete various tasks like coding, indexing, extraction, and annotation of records. Partnering with us also makes it easy for authorized parties to access stored records via our medical records request fulfillment system.
  • It’s Secure: We use top of the line physical and digital security measures to protect your records in our SAS70 Type II data center. You can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with 128 bit SSL encryption and an automatic backup system.
  • It’s HIPAA Compliant: We take our responsibility to protect patient privacy very seriously. We take all possible precautions with your patient data and keep up to date with the latest changes to HIPAA guidelines.
  • It Fits Your Needs: Our medical records storage in Oakland CA can benefit organizations of any size, with scalable services and cost-effective solutions.

Now You May Wonder…

…What If My Records are Still in Paper Format?

Don’t worry. You can still use our cloud-based medical records storage in Oakland CA–you just have to get your records digitized first. We offer top-quality digitization services, incorporating high-resolution scanning, text recognition software, and quality control reviews. If you like, we can provide HIPAA-compliant shredding for your old paper records once the electronic copies have been made.

Ready to Try the Best in Medical Records Storage in Oakland CA?

It’s time to stop worrying about what to do with your medical records, and start trusting your medical records storage in Oakland CA to Datafied. For more information about our company and our services, please call 800-765-7510.

Health Insurance Services
Life Insurance Services
Legal Services
Physician Services
Patient Services
Need help? Call our team anytime at 800-765-7510
Datafied Located at
1210 N. Jefferson Street Suite P, Anaheim, CA.
Datafied Logo Phone: 800-765-7510