Real World Scenarios Where Datafied Can Help


Real World Scenarios Where Datafied Can Help

Real World Scenarios Where Datafied Can Help

How well are your documents managed? Are you looking to track down records? Both of these can be extremely stressful and frustrating, especially in the medical industry. If you are struggling to do either of the aforementioned tasks, Datafied can help!

What is Datafied?

Datafied is one of the top document retrieval and management companies in the country. We have been in business since 1993 and over the last 31 years have managed to grow our suite of services. With our experienced global network, whatever your document management needs, Datafied can help!

How can Datafied help?

So, how can Datafied actually help you? Well, there are countless reasons why you might need our exemplary document management services, like:

  •  Falling behind on HEDIS tasks: HEDIS projects aren’t typically fun, but they’re necessary. If you are falling behind on your HEDIS work, Datafied can help. Through our HEDIS Nurses division, we can assist with your HEDIS projects from assistance with chart abstractions to full outsourcing.
  • Disability attorney looking to add another law clerk: Are you falling behind in your law practice and thinking about hiring another law clerk to catch up? Before you take the leap and head into the stressful hiring process and dealing with paying benefits, why not letting Datafied help? We can do chart indexing, sorting and linking to help make your office run smoother.
  • Switching doctors: If you are switching doctors for whatever reason, you’ll need to get our new physician copies of your medical records. That can sometimes be difficult or awkward, but Datafied is here to help with our Order Medical Records division.
  • Going green for Earth Day: Thinking of going green for Earth Day, or any day for that matter? Datafied has high-resolutiontechnology to scan your documents and create a digital database. If you want to turn your patient records into an EMR, look no further than Datafied!
  • Closing your medical practice: Are you going to be retiring and closing your medical practice in the near future? If so, you really might want to contact Datafied now. There are so many tasks that need to be completed and it’s never too early to start the process!

Are you in need of Datafied’s help?

Now that you’ve seen some of the ways that Datafied can help, have you realized that you actually do need our help? That’s okay because it’s never too late to call for our services! Simply gives us a call at 800-765-7510 to inquire about our document retrieval and management services. Whether you’re a disability attorney looking for help tracking down medical records or a medical facility needing help with coding, Datafied can help. Visit us on the web at Datafied to learn more about the services we offer!

Health Insurance Services
Life Insurance Services
Legal Services
Physician Services
Patient Services
Need help? Call our team anytime at 800-765-7510
Datafied Located at
1210 N. Jefferson Street Suite P, Anaheim, CA.
Datafied Logo Phone: 800-765-7510