Planning to Close Your Medical Practice in 2019? Let Datafied Help!


Planning to Close Your Medical Practice in 2019? Let Datafied Help!

Planning to Close Your Medical Practice in 2019? Let Datafied Help!

2019 is almost upon us! Do you have big changes in your future? If you are thinking of finally closing your medical practice and retiring, Datafied can help!

What does closing my medical practice entail?

There are many tasks that will populate your To Do list when you decide to close your medical practice. First and foremost, you will need to inform your patients and employees that you are closing your practice so they have time to find new doctors and employers. In addition, you will also need to let your vendors and medical associations know about your decision. Landlords or real estate agents will also need to be informed to handle the property and building where your practice resides. In addition to all of that, you also need to consider what you will do with the contents of your office. There’s computers, medical equipment, office chairs, desks, and documents. Lots and lots of documents.

What if I need help with my document management?

One glance at the filing cabinets teeming with files and medical records might make you want to run for the hills, but luckily Datafied is here to help! Datafied is a premier document management service provider offering assistance for physicians closing their medical practices.

What services does Datafied offer physicians closing their medical practices?

At Datafied, we have over 31 years of experience in the document management industry. Our professional team has the knowledge and experience necessary to help with the document management needs of any retiring physician. We offer storage, shredding and scanning services to retiring physicians who are closing their medical practice. Whether you are looking for a safe, secure place to store physical medical records or want to shred unnecessary files, we are here to help.

Can Datafied help even after I’ve closed my medical practice?

Yes! Another service for retiring physicians that Datafied provides is Release of Information. Your patients need access to their records after you’ve gone and with Datafied serving as your release of information provider, that burden doesn’t need to fall on your shoulders while you are trying to enjoy your retirement.

It’s not too early to start discussing your 2019 plans with Datafied.

If you are serious about closing your medical practice in 2019, you should reach out to Datafied today at 800-765-7510. With countless tasks to check off your to do list when it comes to closing up shop, the sooner you can get started, the better. Datafied’s team of expert document management specialists has the knowledge and expertise you need to get the job done right. From scanning and shredding to storage and Release of Information, the professionals at Datafied provides document management services that you need to successfully—and without stress!—close your medical practice. To get started, contact us at 800-765-7510 or!

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