Need Copies of Your Medical Records? Datafied Can Help!


Need Copies of Your Medical Records? Datafied Can Help!

Need Copies of Your Medical Records? Datafied Can Help!

You likely have heard people talk about medical records, but do you know much about them? These documents aren’t thought of by individuals often, but they are actually very important!

What are medical records?

Medical records are a complete record of a patient’s medical history and clinical data. They include demographics, vital signs, medications, diagnoses, treatment plans, progress notes, immunization dates, radiology images, lab results, allergies, and more. Essentially, every time you visit a doctor, your concerns and issues are noted, as are any diagnoses and medications that the doctor prescribes.

The purpose of these documents is to allow health care providers to determine your medical history and provide informed care.

Why do I need copies of my medical records?

There are many reasons why you might need copies of your medical records. Some instances that may require you to have copies of your medical records are:

  • Change of residence, health insurance, or doctor
  • You have multiple doctors and want to coordinate your care
  • Your doctor retires and you cannot find your old records
  • Immunization records required for school or foreign travel
  • Can analyze records to help with the health issues of family and relatives
  • System crashes wipe out your records
  • You become ill while traveling and need medical care
  • Your older medical records have been destroyed by your doctors without notice

Don’t delay and run the risk of not having copies of your medical records when you really need them.

How do I obtain copies of my medical records?

Obtaining copies of your medical records is often easier said than done. Typically, to request copies of your medical records you either call or submit a request in writing to the facility that is holding the records you need. This can be a doctor’s office, medical practice, hospital, or other medical facilities. Then, you have to wait for them to pull and copy your records, before driving across town to pick them up.

However, things are not always so straightforward. For example, your doctor might have retired so you don’t know who to call or you moved out of state and cannot drive to pick them up. If that’s the case, Datafied can help!

If you are looking for copies of your medical records for whatever reason contact Datafied for help!

Datafied has over 31 years obtaining copies of medical records. In fact, that’s actually how we got our start! Plus, with Datafied and Order Medical Records you do not need to worry about your privacy. We take privacy very seriously and will not share your personal information or medical records with anyone. We are 100% HIPAA compliant and even have 3rd party certification.

If you are interested in obtaining copies of your medical records, visit Datafied today to start the process.

To learn more about the reliable and quality document retrieval and management services that we offer, visit us on the web at Datafied.

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