Filing a SSD or Worker’s Compensation Claim? You’ll Need Copies of Your Medical Records


Filing a SSD or Worker’s Compensation Claim? You’ll Need Copies of Your Medical Records

Filing a SSD or Worker’s Compensation Claim? You’ll Need Copies of Your Medical Records

Filing a social security disability claim or worker’s compensation claim can be stressful. Not only are you injured and dealing with your health, but you are also often battling the government and legal system when trying to obtain the compensation you deserve. If you are going to file a SSD or Worker’s comp case, you will want to obtain copies of your medical records and include them in your claim.

Is it bad to submit a SSD claim without a copy of your medical records?

Technically, when you submit a social security disability claim, the disability examiner is tasked with obtaining the necessary medical records to make an appropriate decision. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. Unresponsive medical facilities or physicians can hinder the data retrieval process and a disability examiner may choose to make a decision with only a limited scope of information. This can lead to your claim being unjustly denied. It can also lead to lengthy delays in processing your claim. So, while it’s not required to submit them, there are bad consequences that could result.

Is it difficult to obtain copies of my medical records?

It can be difficult to retrieve copies of your medical records. Many physicians are extremely busy and their support staffs are under pressure to keep up with an increasing patient load. This makes them less responsive to you calling for copies of your medical records and can lead to a lot of frustration. You can also experience issues if you are trying to get records from multiple places. Did your primary doctor recommend you to a specialist, who then treated you in a hospital? Getting to the bottom of where you need to call for your records is half the struggle. It’s not impossible to obtain copies of your medical records, but by the end of the process it might feel like it.

If I’m using an attorney, will I still need to obtain medical records?

Yes. Even if you have an attorney helping you through the claims process, you will need to get copies of your medical records. In fact, your attorney will probably stress the importance of this. Datafied actually has 31 years of experience helping attorneys and legal teams obtain medical records and know how to best assist them.

How can Datafied help? We can track down copies of your medical records!

At Datafied, we know how important it is to have easy access to your medical records. In fact, our company was founded on the idea the medical record retrieval and management should be improved and we’ve worked for 31 years to achieve that. If you need help obtaining copies of your medical records, Datafied can help. Our global network of retrieval specialists are HIPAA compliant and can save you from the hassle and frustration of trying to track down copies of medical records. Focus on your health, and let Datafied do the rest!

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