Do You Need Risk Adjustment Coding in Salt Lake City UT?


Do You Need Risk Adjustment Coding in Salt Lake City UT?

Do You Need Risk Adjustment Coding in Salt Lake City UT?

Are you looking for help with risk adjustment coding in Salt Lake City UT? If so, Datafied is the company to call. We have experience with risk adjustment coding and can help ensure that your coding submissions are accurate and timely. Not sure why risk adjustment coding matters or who can help? Keep reading to learn more about risk adjustment coding in Salt Lake City UT and how Datafied can help.

Why does risk adjustment coding matter?

Risk adjustment coding is important because it is a CMS requirement that must be met. In addition, that is how health plans secure reimbursements from Medicare Advantage. Without proper coding, you can be missing out on valuable reimbursements.

Who can help with risk adjustment coding in Salt Lake City UT?

If you need help with risk adjustment coding in Salt Lake City UT you are not alone! The good news is that Datafied is here to help. We provide risk adjustment coding in Salt Lake City UT and beyond. Our nationwide network of coding specialists is here to help with all of your coding needs so that you can comply with CMS requirements and secure the maximum reimbursements. With over 31 years of experience, you can trust us to get the job done.

What services does Datafied offer through HCC Coders?

At Datafied, we offer the following services through our specialized coding division, HCC Coders:

  • Validation of diagnosis codes with medical records
  • Highlighting of any key coding or documentation errors or omissions
  • Inclusion of Part C and Part D coding in HCC data capture
  • Identifying opportunities for coding improvement and education using summary reports of physician chart audits

This list is by no means exhaustive! If you need other services, contact us.

If you help with risk adjustment coding in Salt Lake City UT, contact Datafied today!

If you are looking for help with risk adjustment coding in Salt Lake City UT, Datafied is here to help. You might not know this, but Datafied has been in business since 1993. That means we have over 31 years of experience providing risk adjustment coding services to health plans in Salt Lake City UT and beyond. If you are ready to discuss your needs and see how we can be of service, give us a call today at 800-765-7510.

To learn more about the reliable and quality document retrieval and management services that we offer, visit us on the web at Datafied.

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1210 N. Jefferson Street Suite P, Anaheim, CA.
Datafied Logo Phone: 800-765-7510