Datafied – The Data Retrieval Superheroes


Datafied – The Data Retrieval Superheroes

Datafied - The Data Retrieval SuperheroesWhen wandering throughout the mall and department stores this holiday season, chances are that you saw images of superheroes splashed across the aisles. From shirts and hoodies to toys and games, classic superheroes from Marvel and DC lined the racks and took the holiday season by storm.

There’s Hulk with his incredible strength, Iron Man with his fancy gadgets, and Superman with his ability to fly. You can’t forget Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Captain America and Batman either! Each hero has their own story and their own super powers that they take advantage of.

Come to think of it, Datafied has some super powers of our own! We can track down your records for you with speed like Flash, and obliterate any obstacles in our way like Hulk or the Iron Man. If you live in a different state, but need a copy of your birth certificate, we have the power to make it happen! Are you having difficulty getting through to your doctor to get copies of your medical records, we have the power to change that.

Datafied can track down your documents for you.

Since 1993, Datafied has developed a team of superheroes – similar to the Avengers – with the ability to track down the documents that you need. We offer NATIONWIDE document retrieval services and can get the job done in a timely manner. Our retrieval services are completed in an average of 10 days, with the ability of rushing a delivery upon order. Don’t let document retrieval be your Kryptonite, Datafied can track down documents, including:

  • Medical Records: If you are moving, changing physicians or coordinating between multiple physicians for different ailments, you will need to have the most updated copy of your medical records. This ensures that your doctors are up to date on your medical history and can provide you with the best care.
  • Birth Certificate: There are many reasons why you need an original copy of your birth certificate, such as applying for a driver’s license or passport, registering for school, and even getting married.
  • Death Certificate: In order to settle an estate, you generally need a copy of the death certificate. That can be difficult to track down if you do not know where to look. Thankfully, Datafied can help.
  • Marriage or Divorce Decree: You might not be aware, but there are some occasions where you will need to have a certified copy of your marriage license or a divorce decree.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need one of these documents, but cannot locate them, Datafied can help!

Are you ready to enlist the help of Datafied superpowers?

If you are ready to enlist the superpowers of Datafied’s team, don’t wait! Give us a call today at Datafied or visit our website  to see all the services that we offer our customers. Datafied will help you fly through the process of tracking down your legal, medical or court records, blasting any obstacles out of the way.

Health Insurance Services
Life Insurance Services
Legal Services
Physician Services
Patient Services
Need help? Call our team anytime at 800-765-7510
Datafied Located at
1210 N. Jefferson Street Suite P, Anaheim, CA.
Datafied Logo Phone: 800-765-7510