Datafied Provides Quality Legal Support Services


Datafied Provides Quality Legal Support Services

Datafied Provides Quality Legal Support Services

Lawyers, especially personal injury or employment law attorneys, often deal with medical records. However, even the most experienced attorneys can become frustrated when working with these records because they’re often unorganized, messy, and contain irrelevant information in spades. Thankfully, Datafied is here to help.

Not sure how Datafied can help your legal practice? Keep reading for four legal support services that we proudly offer our clients!

  1. Record Retrieval and Duplication
  2. At Datafied, we know how important it is to have the right records and data on hand to develop and present your case. That’s why we offer record retrieval and duplication services for attorneys. Our online portal is secure and makes it easy to request records, view status updates, and receive copies of medical records and other documents.

  3. Chart Summaries
  4. Let’s face it, when you receive a patient’s medical records, chances are that they aren’t organized and easy to read. No, they’re often a mess and filled with information that you simply do not need. If you are often dealing with disorganized medical records and are sick of wasting time, let Datafied help! We offer quality chart summary services that are designed to increase the speed and efficiency of your record review services.

  5. Chart Sorting
  6. At Datafied, we also provide chart sorting services for attorneys. When you receive medical records from healthcare facilities, they are often difficult to work with. Instead of a mess of documents, we sort those charts and records either chronologically or by the defined categories that you request. This increases your efficiency and makes it easier for you and your staff to get to the relevant information.

  7. Chart Indexing and Linking
  8. Comprehensive medical records can be hundreds and hundreds of pages long, which often makes it difficult to browse through them and find the relevant information that you’re looking for. We start by numbering all of the pages in the chart and then create a keyword index that allows the chart reviewer to easily determine where certain items are located throughout the chart.

Contact Datafied today for legal support services that you can count on!

At Datafied, we know that time is money, especially in the legal realm. If you are looking for ways to speed up the record retrieval process or increase your ability to take on more clients without having to hire another employee or law clerk, Datafied can help! For over 31 years, we have been offering legal support services to attorneys that need an extra hand. From chart summaries to chart sorting, to subpoena serving and record retrieval, we do it all. Give us a call today at 800-765-7510 to request service!

To learn more about the medical record retrieval and document management services that we offer, visit us on the web at Datafied!

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Legal Services
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Patient Services
Need help? Call our team anytime at 800-765-7510
Datafied Located at
1210 N. Jefferson Street Suite P, Anaheim, CA.
Datafied Logo Phone: 800-765-7510