Are You Looking to Build Up Your Medical History?


Are You Looking to Build Up Your Medical History?

Are You Looking to Build Up Your Medical History?

When you go to the doctor with an undiagnosed ailment or pain, chances are that they might ask you if you have a family medical history of certain conditions. You might not think this information is important or relevant, but it most certainly is! That is why you should consider putting together a family medical history that encompasses everything from your immediate family members. Doing this can help you lead healthier, happier lives. Don’t believe us? Keep reading!

Why You Need a Medical History?

Suppose you have a pain that starts out small and seems quite insignificant. It might not be bothering you enough to visit the doctor, but you might happen to mention it at a checkup since you’re there anyways. If the doctor questions you about your family medical history and you aren’t sure, they might shrug off a small pain too, especially if it is infrequent and you aren’t worried about it. However, if certain types of cancers run in your family, that small abdominal pain might elicit and entirely different reaction from your doctor and spur a litany of tests. What if that small pain turns out to be a cyst? If you know your family medical history, and the history of cancer, your doctor might catch it before the cyst metastasizes or advances ever further. Yes, it can be trying to gather up the documents and contacts necessary to compile a family medical history, but it is worth it when it comes to the health of you and your family.

Where Do You Start?

Now that you know why a family medical history is important, where do you start in building one? First, you should reach out to your family members. That means parents, aunts, uncles, first cousins, nieces and nephews and siblings. The more comprehensive your list is, the better. Question your family members on their medical history and encourage them to refer back to their medical records to ensure that the information is correct. Then do so yourself and compile it into an all-encompassing report.

Who Can You Turn to for Help?

At Datafied, we know the importance of having a family medical history. This is why we help families piece together theirs by helping track down old medical records. With our help, you can gather your medical history, and assist family members in finding their own. Together, you can develop a comprehensive medical history that will help everyone in the family stay healthier. Who wouldn’t want that?

To get started, visit Datafied to request your medical records. The process is extremely simple and can be done right from the comfort of your own home. We look forward to helping you and your family live long, healthy and happy lives.

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